
Calculator for Mael's coffee shop (Python)

A program that is used as cash register for a coffee shop.


Recruiting and Hiring System (Python)

A program that computes the skills and ranks of candidates and hires them accordingly.


Recipe and Inventory Manager (Python)

A program that manages recipes and inventory data


Library Manager (Java)

A program that can be used to manage a library.


Queue System (Java)

A program that can simulate and evaluate the performance of a given queueing policy.


MiniCheckers (Java)

A program that simulates a Checkers game against an AI player.


Cache access and maintenance simulator (Java)

A program that simulates access and maintenance of a cache memory.


Ready To Grow!! (Java, XML)

A mobile app that teaches about environmental issues and our impact through a game.


Image Processing (Java)

A program that processes a 2D image using quad tree and circular queue implementations.


Character Soup (C)

A text-based game where players try to match generated characters in various "soups" with the correct sequences.


RFID Sequence Decoder and Validator (C)

A program that decodes and validates RFID sequences, computing and outputting relevant information such as headers, data, IDs, and colors.


Simple Shell with Command History (C)

A program implements a basic shell that executes built-in and external commands, supports changing directories, manages command history, and allows executing past commands from the history list.


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